Around The Web

Updates on critical psychiatry postings across the Internet.

‘Shocking’ Study: Most Common Antidepressant Barely Improves Depression

From The Telegraph: The new trial of sertraline is by far the largest to be conducted without the involvement of the pharmaceutical industry.

I do Hate to Tell you This, but…

In this commentary for In the Pipeline, Derek Lowe highlights the results from a recent FDA report showing that the vast majority of all drugs...

Joanna Moncrieff and Carmine Pariante Debate Antidepressants

On June 19th, Joanna Moncrieff and Carmine Pariante held an online antidepressant Q&A session with host Danny Whittaker. There was an initial debate, followed...

“Constructing the Modern Mind”

Psychiatrist and historian George Makari tries to illuminate the historical evolution of our understanding of the conscious mind and how it relates to the...

How Big Pharma Infiltrated the Boston Museum of Science

From CounterPunch: Last spring, an exhibit promoting mainstream mental health ideologies debuted at the Boston Museum of Science. The exhibit was funded by NAMI and...

Nov. 1 Zoom: Meet Voyce Hendrix, Former Executive Director of Soteria House

From Rethinking Psychiatry: Voyce will discuss his time at the original Soteria House in San Jose, CA, an alternative to the medical model for schizophrenia that ran from 1971 to 1983.

“Cortisol Levels in Children’s Hair May Reveal Future Mental Health Risk”

The Guardian covers research out of Australia that found that levels of the “stress hormone” cortisol in the hair of 70 nine-year-old children corresponded to the number of traumatic events experienced by the child. “Childhood is an imperative and sensitive period of development, and when things go wrong it can have lifelong consequences, not just on mental health, but also on general health.”

“Health News Review and What’s Wrong (and Right) With the Media”

0 founder Gary Schwitzer talks to New York Magazine on the media coverage of medical research. “We in journalism have to look in the mirror...

How Neglect and Abuse Change Children’s Brains

From the Center for Health Journalism: Different types of childhood adversity shape the developing brain in distinct ways and need to be addressed accordingly. While...

Britney Spears and a Civilised Response to her Mental Health

From The Guardian: In 2019, suffering is less a spectacle, more something to be understood. It is a tentative sign that the conversation is, at last, maturing.

Off-Label Prescribing Increases Risk of Adverse Effects

The first systematic investigation of the adverse effects associated with prescribing drugs “off-label” found that the common practice of using drugs for conditions for which they are not approved increases the risk of adverse effects.

The Patient Voice: Antidepressant Withdrawal, MUS and FND

From BJGP Life: Diagnoses of MUS (medically unexplained symptoms) or FND (functional neurological disorder) may be covering up serious prescribed drug effects.

The Roots of Pathology: Authoritarianism Towards Babies | Darcia Narvaez

From Kindred Media: When traumatized early and subjected to existential fear, a child loses their center of gravity, surrenders spontaneity and begins to function as an automaton.

Does Social Psychology Have a “Liberal Bias”?

In The New Yorker, Maria Konnikova explores the ideas of Jonathan Haidt, who argues that the field of social psychology has a broad bias...

SeaWorld Uses Benzodiazepines to Control Killer Whales

The Daily Beast dives into the debate over SeaWorld's use of benzoiazepines to stop their killer whales from "acting aggressively toward each other in...

Radical Inquiry: Research Practices for Healing and Liberation

From ACEs Too High News: "As a community organization and non-profit, RYSE is beholden to and bound by systems that allocate and deploy resources...

Creating a Guide for Parents During Lock Down – by Children

From Dulwich Centre: A number of narrative practitioners have consulted children in their lives to create a guide for parents during lockdown.

Lawmakers Override Bevin’s Veto of Mental Health Law

From The Courier-Journal: Last week, Kentucky's General Assembly voted to overturn Governor Matt Bevin's veto of Tim's Law, a mental health law that allows a...

Watch: “I Hear Voices in My Head, But I’m Fine”

"Eleanor Longden started hearing voices when she was 18. She was drugged and hospitalised, then told she was schizophrenic. A psychiatrist even told her...

Film Highlights Harm From Benzo Overuse

From The Right Care Alliance: Documentary filmmaker and benzodiazepine survivor Holly Hardman is currently working on a film called As Prescribed, which will document the stories...

Interview with Peter Gøtzsche: How Psychiatry Has Gone Astray

Dr. McDougall's Health and Medical Center has posted a three-part interview with MIA Foreign Correspondent Peter Gøtzsche, author of the book Deadly Medicines and...

Trauma, Memory, and Mental Health

In this episode of ABC Radio National's All In The Mind, Lynne Malcolm interviews three experts about the impact of trauma on our memory and mental health. One guest,...

RAISE Study Out Of Sync With Media Reports

Writing on his 1 Boring Old Man blog, Dr. Mickey Nardo reflects on the media frenzy around the RAISE study and asks why the prescription data has not been released. He adds skepticism about the political motives of the potentially overblown results, which he sees as a clear push for increased mental health funding.

When Evidence Says no, but Doctors say yes

From ProPublica: Many physicians continue to administer treatments that have long been proven ineffective and even harmful to patients. "For all the truly wondrous developments of modern medicine...

“BDSM: Psychotherapy’s Grey Area”

-Tania Glyde discusses the difficulties that people who participate in alternative sexual practices have being understood by mental health professionals.