Adults Treated for ADHD Report Low Quality of Life

Adults receiving ADHD medications and therapy frequently experience adverse events that interfere with employment and daily life.

Gradual Tapering Recommended for Antidepressant Discontinuation

A new literature review reinforces the need to “down-titrate” or taper antidepressants, especially drugs like Celexa and Paxil.

Antidepressant Withdrawal Linked to Suicide Attempt in Case Study

Researchers suggest that antidepressant withdrawal can be a possible precipitant of suicide.

ADHD Diagnosis Leads to Worse Quality of Life, Increased Self-Harm in Kids

When comparing kids with the same symptoms who were either diagnosed with ADHD or not, those who received the diagnosis had worse outcomes.

Long Term Antidepressant Use Associated With Increased Morbidity and Mortality

A study finds that commonly prescribed antidepressants are associated with the development of diabetes, hypertension, and other diseases.
Illustration of a shape of a baby crawling made out of various types of pills, on a black background

Health Risks to Babies When Antidepressants Used During Pregnancy

Babies born to mothers taking antidepressants during pregnancy were more than six times as likely to have neonatal withdrawal syndrome—including breathing problems, irritability/agitation, tremors, feeding problems, and seizures—than those born to mothers taking other types of drugs.

Antidepressants No Better Than Placebo for About 85% of People

Researchers can’t predict the 15% who benefit from antidepressants, and the other 85% are unnecessarily exposed to the harms of the drugs.

Less Than a Quarter of Those with Depression Respond to Treatment in Real Life

In a real-world setting, less than a quarter of patients diagnosed with depression improved with medication, hospitalization, and therapy.

Psychiatric Drugs Do Not Improve Disease or Reduce Mortality

Nassir Ghaemi: “Most psychiatric medications are purely symptomatic, with no known or proven effect on the underlying disease. They are like 50 variations of aspirin, used for fever or headache, rather than drugs that treat the causes of fever or headache.”

Jock McLaren – The Biopsychosocial Model is a Mirage, Time for a Biocognitive Model?

Dr. Niall McLaren joins us to talk of his experiences working in Australian psychiatry and explains why the models that purport to guide psychiatric diagnosis and treatment are not what they seem.
Man closely examing instructions on prescription medications

Antidepressant-Induced Serotonin Syndrome a Danger for the Elderly

Researchers found that 25% of elderly patients taking antidepressants had serotonin syndrome, which is potentially life-threatening.

Industry Corruption in Systematic Review for Injectable Antipsychotics

Researchers highlight how systematic reviews are compromised by pharmaceutical industry ties by exposing a study of injectable antipsychotics.

Stimulants Don’t Improve Academic Performance in Kids with ADHD

“Efforts to improve learning in children with ADHD should focus on obtaining effective academic instruction rather than stimulant medication.”
Scowling teenage boy holding up pills sealed in blister packs in his hand as he leans on a wooden table with an intense stare

Risk of Depression Spikes When Kids Take Ritalin

Risk of depression increased when children were taking methylphenidate for ADHD, but once they stopped taking the drug, depression risk dropped to normal levels.
Bruce Cohen

The Failings of “Mental Health”: How a Seemingly Benign Concept Might be Dangerous

MIA’s Ayurdhi Dhar interviews Bruce Cohen about dismissive psychiatrists, pervasive psychiatry, and the field's ties to neoliberal capitalism.

Bringing Integrative Community Therapy to Pittsburgh: An Interview with Alice and Kenneth Thompson

Father and daughter Ken and Alice Thompson run the Visible Hands Collaborative, bringing Integrative Community Therapy to the US.

Research Explores the Experience of Benzodiazepine Withdrawal

A new study reveals many benzodiazepine users are misinformed about the risks of withdrawal and experience devastating consequences.

How to Distinguish Antidepressant Withdrawal from Relapse

Mark Horowitz and David Taylor provide advice on how to tell the difference between antidepressant withdrawal and depression relapse.

Did Psychiatry Ever Endorse the Chemical Imbalance Theory of Depression?

With the chemical imbalance theory falling out of fashion, researchers examine the claim that psychiatry never truly endorsed it.
Image of a young girl looking at a handful of antidepressants.

Antidepressants Do Not Improve Quality of Life

A new study found that taking antidepressants did not improve quality of life.
Bored young man, staring out the train window on a rainy, grey and dull day

Patient Reports Reveal SSRI Antidepressants Often Lead to Emotional Blunting

According to patient reports, SSRI antidepressants most frequently lead to the subjective experience of emotional blunting.

Psych Concepts Creep Into Our Everyday Experiences: An Interview with Nicholas Haslam

MIA’s Ayurdhi Dhar interviews Nicholas Haslam about how psychiatric terms get diluted and creep into everyday language, altering our experiences.

Psychiatric Drugs Increase Dementia Risk Threefold After COVID in 65+ Population

Hospitalized COVID patients over 65 were three times as likely to receive a dementia diagnosis if they took psychiatric drugs.

Many Service Users Interested in Decreasing Antipsychotic Use with Professional Help

New research examines service user attitudes on discontinuing and reducing antipsychotic drugs.

Antipsychotics Often Prescribed Without Informed Consent

New research reveals that patients are often not given fully informed consent before being prescribed antipsychotics.