Mad in America's Tenth Anniversary

We launched Mad in America in 2012 with a simple mission. We believed that psychiatric care in the United States and abroad had been organized in response to a “false narrative of science,” and our goal was to foster a new narrative, one anchored in a critical review of the science and the voices of those who have “lived experience” as patients in the system. 

That narrative is indeed changing, and we are proud to say that Mad in America, which is funded entirely from reader donations, has played an important role in making that happen. In 2022, Mad in America and its 11 affiliates will have around 5.5 million visitors. Our podcasts have now been downloaded nearly one million times. 

If you value MIA, please help us–as we venture into a second decade of operations — to “change the narrative.” 

We Need Your Help

Mad in America is a 501(c)(3) non-profit whose mission is to create a platform for rethinking psychiatric care.

Your tax-deductible donation will help us provide news, essays, podcasts and continuing education courses that explore alternatives to the current paradigm of psychiatric care.

As a supporter of MIA, you will be joining a community devoted to creating such change.

Make a Donation

MIA relies on the support of its readers to survive. Please donate now and become a member of the MIA community. You can also donate to one of our two dedicated funds (below), or in memory of a loved one. If you prefer to donate with a check, please mail to Mad in America Foundation, 763 Massachusetts Avenue, Suite 2, Cambridge MA 02139. Thank you!
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Donation Total: $20 One Time

Dedicated Funds

The Thomas Jobe Fund, established in memory of neuroscientist and psychiatrist Thomas Jobe, M.D., is a dedicated fund that supports our original journalism efforts, which we publish as MIA Reports. 

The Lucas James Finnegan Fund, established by Louisa Putnam in memory of her son, is a dedicated fund that support our Family Resources section. 

Donations to either of these funds may be made through this online form, or through a check sent to: Mad in America Foundation, 763 Massachusetts Avenue, Suite 2, Cambridge MA 02139.